Thursday, February 4, 2010

Word of Mouth-Dr Maoshing Ni

Words of wisdom from my former teacher, Dr. Maoshing Ni - author, and cofounder of Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

"There is an old Chinese saying:  Most disease comes from things that enter the mouth, most trouble comes from words that leave it.  The first part is easy to understand:  eat wholesome, natural food and you'll have a healthy body and a clear mind.  But how many people take as much care with their thoughts before they emerge as words?  Most of us have experienced regret for things we have said or did not say.  Be honest when you convey your feelings, be kind when you criticize something or someone, be positive when expressing your ideas, be receptive when hearing criticism, and be humble on the subject of your own virtues.  By wise management of the food that enters your body and the words that leave your mouth, you will have physical vitality and peace in your heart." (Secrets of Longevity: Hundreds of Ways to Live to be 100.)

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